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The mission of the Center for Craniofacial and Related Research (CCTCR) is to promote clinical and translational research with relevance to craniofacial and oral health; to provide a dedicated environment conducive to collaborative and interdisciplinary clinical/translational research where discovery may happen within the Augusta University Dental College of Georgia.


The CCTCR is intended to be a venue for clinical and translational research providing resources, personnel, support and training. Depending on the research project the CCTCR may provide different levels of support including protocol development, infrastructure, logistics, data entry/processing and auxiliary personnel.

One of the laboratories that works on regenerative medicine is LAPCR, Laboratory for Applied Periodontal & Craniofacial Regeneration, focuses on regeneration of the periodontium and treatments.

The Disease Related Biology cluster emphasizes basic and clinical studies of the mechanisms of development, diagnosis, progression, prevention and treatment of oral diseases such as oral cancer, salivary dysfunction and periodontal diseases as well systemic diseases such are cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Particular emphasis is placed on molecular basis of these conditions and the study of biomarkers and treatments for the conditions.

The Biomedical Materials and Devices Research cluster investigates how materials and devices simulate physiological environments, improve treatments for disease conditions, and help regenerate normal physiology. This fully horizontally and vertically integrated laboratory/basic science research supports and explains the clinical and translational oral health research advancing current paradigms and therapeutic concepts. The Biomedical Materials and Devices Research cluster includes investigations in polarizing light stability, phototherapy, mechanobiology, dentin bonding,and biomineralization.