Department of Psychiatry & Health Behavior

Grand Rounds Program

Grand Rounds are held in-person on Thursdays from 11:30am - 12:30pm in the Health Sciences Building.  Virtual options are available.
To view virtually:   

Microsoft Teams
CME # to Text and code: 833-765-0126; code: see presentation for code

Current Grand Rounds Schedule - FULL FY

Grand Rounds

  • Aug 8
  • MS Teams

Stephen F. Smagula, PhD | University of Pittsburgh

Topic: Sleep-Wake Risk Factors and Related Interventions for Mental Health in Adults

Grand Rounds

  • Aug 15

To Be Determined

Grand Rounds

  • Aug 22
  • MS Teams

Brent Forester, MD, Msc | Tufts University

Topic: TBD

Grand Rounds

  • Aug 29
  • Open Slot

Enduring Content for CME/CE Credit and Licensure Requirements

Foundations in Addiction Medicine - DEA MATE Licensure Requirements

Boundary Violations - Georgia Board Medical Licensure Requirement

Grand Rounds Archive

2023-2024 2021-2022 2019-2020 2017-2018
2022-2023 2020-2021 2018-2019



Augusta University partners with several other medical schools to provide an intuitive, respectful, knowledge-filled grand rounds experience for everyone involved.  We partner with the following schools:

School Region
 Medical University of South Carolina  Charleston, South Carolina
 University of Miami  Miami, Florida 
 University of South Carolina
 School of Medicine 
 Columbia, South Carolina 
 The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research  Manhasset, New York
 Louisiana State University  Baton Rouge, Louisiana
 Keck School of Medicine at USC  Los Angeles, California
 Wake Forest University
 School of Medicine
 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 
 Columbia University  New York
 Morehouse School of Medicine  Atlanta, Georgia
 Positive Sobriety, RiverMend Health  
 University of Florida  Gainesville, Florida 
 University of Louisville  Louisville, Kentucky
 Rosewood Institute  

Professors from the schools above and professors of Augusta University take turns attending and being the guest speaker at Grand Rounds at each other's locations.