MCG Faculty Educational Research
The MCG Office of Faculty Development is here to assist you in your role as an educator as well as your role as an MCG faculty member. We have developed resources that will assist you in this process.
If you need additional help please:
Medical Student Scholarly Project at the Medical College of Georgia offers the opportunity for all medical students in good academic standing to become engaged in a scholarly project, in close mentorship with faculty who are nationally and internationally distinguished scientists, clinicians, and academic scholars.
Consultation Information & Request Form
Consultations may occur once or on multiple occasions, and in some cases, may result in long-term, productive collaborations. We assist individuals at all stages of their medical education career development and at all levels of health science educator and educational research experience. To ensure that we have the capacity for the maximum number of requests possible, MCG faculty are limited to one (1) hour per academic year of free consultation across EII consultation services.
AAMC Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC) Program
Up to 25 MCG faculty interested in improving their educational research skills are welcome to apply. These in-person at MCG workshops are targeted to highly motivated medical educators seeking more experience and skills in conducting educational research.
Educational Innovation Institute (EII)
Health Sciences Campus
J. Harold Harrison, MD Education Commons