Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

Estrogen mediated vascular endothelial dysfunction in Diabetes

There is an extensive body of knowledge that indicates premenopausal women have an innate protection from cardiovascular disease and estrogen is what contributes to this protection (1,2). In contrast to these protective findings in humans, using an animal model, estrogen in diabetes has been indicated to contribute to vasoconstriction. Taken together, the purpose of this proposal is to investigate whether or not estrogen contributes to vascular dysfunction in premenopausal women with diabetes.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Inclusion criteria: Both boys/men and girls/premenopausal women > 7 years of age Normal menstrual cycle interval of 25-35 days for at least 3 previous cycles All races Clinical diagnosis of insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes (patients only) Exclusion criteria: Clinical diagnosis of hepatic, cardiovascular, or renal disease Uncontrolled Diabetes (HbA1c > 12%) Diabetic complications (i.e. macrovascular, microvascular, or autonomic) Proteinuria Uncontrolled Hypertension (>140/90 mm Hg on therapy) Pregnancy Oligomenorrhea Direct vasoactive medications (i.e. nitrates) Anti-estrogens (i.e. SERMs) Polycystic ovarian syndrome (defined by NIH guidelines ? hyperandrogenic anovulation) Undetectable Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) following screening

Contact Information

    Ryan Harris

    (706) 721-5998