Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

Defecation mechanisms and subtyping of constipation patients with Fecobionics

Constipation is an extremely common symptom in the general population, (10-25% of US population)1. Rectum and anal sphincter play key roles in the defecatory process and continence function2. These disorders are also referred to as pelvic floor disorders. While there have been significant advances in our understanding of the normal and abnormal functioning of the anorectal function in health and disease, further progress is needed to advance diagnostic and treatment strategies of disorders related to anal sphincter malfunction. The goal of our study is to advance our understanding of the anal sphincter function in health and disease using novel diagnostic and treatment approaches.

Eligibility Criteria

  • INCLUSION CRITERIA: Patients with Rome IV diagnostic criteria of chronic constipation (CC) defined as follows will be studied: Patient must have experienced at least two of the following symptoms over the preceding 3 months: Fewer than three spontaneous bowel movements per week, Straining for more than 25% of defecations Lumpy or hard stools for more than 25% of defecations, Sensation of anorectal obstruction or blockage for more than 25% of defecations Feeling of incomplete evacuation with more than 25% of defecations Use of digital maneuvers with more than 25% of defecations EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Patients not willing to consent and undergo the specified tests in this study Pregnant women Patients with concurrent fecal incontinence Patients with a history of anorectal surgery or bowel resection

Contact Information

    Danielle Long

    (706) 721-8906