Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

Preparation of GaTAPP Teachers to Work in Diverse Classrooms

Our research team wants to find out what Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy (GaTAPP) teachers think about how well they were prepared to teach students from different backgrounds. GaTAPP is an alternative teacher certification program. We want to understand the experiences and opinions of GaTAPP teachers when it comes to using multicultural education in their classrooms. Multicultural education means teaching in a way that respects and includes students from different cultures and backgrounds. We are focusing on GaTAPP because we want to learn more about how teachers who went through this program are trained to work with diverse students. We believe that by studying the unique context of GaTAPP teacher preparation and how it relates to teaching diverse students, we may help make teacher training programs better. The study will involve talking to GaTAPP teachers and listening to their stories and insights. We will ask questions about how they were prepared to teach students from different backgrounds and what challenges they have faced. We want to learn about the practical ways in which these teachers have implemented multicultural education in their classrooms. The goal of our study is to gather information that can be used to improve teacher training programs. By understanding what GaTAPP teachers think and their experiences with multicultural education, we hope to make recommendations that can enhance the preparation of future teachers. This way, teachers may be better equipped to teach students from diverse backgrounds and create inclusive classrooms

Eligibility Criteria

  • Inclusion criteria: Classroom teachers who have completed a Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy (GaTAPP) program since 2009 and are currently teaching diverse learners. Exclusion criteria: Classroom teachers who completed a traditional teacher preparation program within a university or college, teachers who completed any other alternative certification program other than GaTAPP and teachers who completed GaTAPP before 2009

Contact Information

    Kimberly Burgan

    (678) 778-6946