Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

Improving Pregnancy Outcomes through Remote Monitoring and Rewards for Participation

We would like to speak with women who live in the state of Georgia and who are either currently or have been pregnant in the last five years. Women may meet in a group discussion or in individual interviews. We will ask questions about how to best support mothers who are participating in a remote monitoring program (VidaRPM - blood pressure, mental health, and preeclampsia symptoms) to successfully continue and complete the program. We will talk to mothers about appropriate questions and phrasing of questions, as well as types and frequencies of incentives - such as gift cards, diapers/wipes, baby goods, etc., they would like to have offered, and what they think would motivate other moms like them to continue monitoring their blood pressure and mental health during the postpartum periods. *This is the first phase of this project. Upon conclusion of this qualitative component, we will expand this protocol with the intervention tailored to the results of the interviews and focus groups.* Intervention amendment: (After completing our qualitative component, mothers suggested a $25/week incentive instead of a daily incentive for completing a set number of blood pressure readings, and the weekly weigh-in. We also heard significant themes of mistrust or hesitation trusting medical providers, and how the women felt it played into delays in care and contributed to gaps in care. Due to this feedback, we are also including a measure of medical mistrust in the intervention, to see if the relationships built during the VidaRPM intervention may mitigate some of the trust issues.) We will randomize 90 women into three groups: 30 women will receive a blood pressure cuff, printed education materials, and a paper log to track their blood pressure through pregnancy and to 12 weeks postpartum to share with their providers if they would like. 30 women will be provided with a blood pressure cuff, printed and online education materials, an online interface to record their blood pressure (VidaRPM), virtual education with research staff, and ongoing staff check-ins. The final group of 30 women will receive the above intervention, along with a $25/week incentive for entering their blood pressure three times/week and their weight once per week. All participants will receive a $25 gift card for completing surveys at baseline and after 12 weeks postpartum on their knowledge, trust, intentions, and self-efficacy about self-monitoring of blood pressure. Additionally, participants who complete the 12-week postpartum survey will be eligible for the monthly raffle of a gift basket worth ~ $40. We want to know if the additional weekly incentive will result in greater adherence to reporting blood pressure, and what the impact of research team relationships may be on increasing trust among participants.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Mothers: Any adult (18y or older) who is currently or has been pregnant in the last 5 years Intervention Inclusion: Any adult female currently pregnant in their 2nd or 3rd trimester

Contact Information

    Marlo Vernon

    (706) 723-4322