Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

GENETIC TESTING IN AFRICAN AMERICANS Towards Universal Paired Tumor/Germline Genetic Testing in Solid Tumor Patients with Specific Gynecological Malignancies

This is a pilot/feasibility study to conduct genetic testing using tumor/blood samples of African American and Caucasian patients with ovarian and endometrial cancer following surgery at AU Medical Center. The purpose of this study is to identify genetic mutations using a sequence a panel to detect cancer genes on paired tumor/blood (germline) samples particularly (AA) patients with ovarian, endometrial, fallopian or primary peritoneal carcinoma as AA individuals with cancer are less prone to accept a recommendation to undergo genetic testing.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Inclusion Criteria Age ? 18 years of age. New diagnosis of ovarian, endometrial, fallopian or primary peritoneal carcinoma. Diagnostic procedure performed at AU Health Medical Center. Adequate tissue is available for the tumor testing component (e.g., cytology and FNA samples are typically not adequate, whereas core biopsies and open biopsies usually are adequate. Consent at first post-biopsy outpatient clinic visit (typically about 2 weeks). Ability to provide informed consent in English. Exclusion Criteria 1. Subjects who are pregnant.

Contact Information

    Harriet Boatwright

    706-721-6487 ex